Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A few months ago, a thought came to me.
I am finally deciding (now) to post this thought.
If I were a cartoon, a light bulb would have illuminated above my head.
I wrote this:
Life can be a balancing act, a teeter totter, between what we know to be real and the reality we choose to accept.
And this is what I have found to be so true, in my life and I've witnessed it in the lives of other people .
It's amazing to SEE it in other peoples lives though. I mean, I think that I have kind of always known this in my life, but when I see other people balancing on this fine line or teeter tottering between what is real and what they choose to accept--- it's astounding.
I think it's the only way that we keep ourselves sane.
I believe that we feed ourselves heaping servings of pseudo-reality so that we can get by.
Many of us walk around everyday, half-smiling, trying to convince everyone (including ourselves) that everything is okay.
And for many of us, things ARE okay.
But I do believe that we have a deeper level to our soul and a deeper connection with people that we do not try to get to.
We stay floating above the surface of a sea that is twenty thousand leagues deep.
It's painless. It's blissful. It's ignorant.
It's fake.
It is a thoughtless living. We choose what is easy to think about; we chew what is easy to swallow. Everything else, we ignore; we leave it on the shelves to collect dust.
But it's there.
Why do we do this to ourselves?
Why do we choose to pretend that we are these barely full vessels walking around with one eye open?
Why is it so threatening to be our real selves?
Why do we ignore reality and our real feelings and trade it in for the fake stuff?

Like I said before, sanity must be the answer.
Maybe we can't be sane people if we stare at our problems all day long; but I do kind of feel like staring at our problems may prompt us to fix them.
Staring at the insane may cause us to question our sanity...but maybe in turn embrace our insanity. 

"Sanity is a cozy lie." 
-Susan Sontag

"For me, insanity is super sanity. The normal is psychotic. Normal means lack of imagination, lack of creativity." 
-Jean Dubuffet 

"I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity. "
-Edgar Allan Poe